
Best things to do in Khartoum

Find out more about those top places in Khartoum

Things to do in Khartoum - Sudan

If you are familiar with great African cities, then you must have heard about Khartoum. The city sits at the left bank of the Blue Nile, where the Lake Victoria and the White Nile meet making it a confluence city. It is Sudan’s capital and second largest city with a population of almost 3 million people who are always willing to extend their hospitality.

Originally an Egyptian army camp, the city has grown to be one of the respected North African cities, on the tourism scene it has a lot to offer – ranging from the Pyramids of Meroe to the Sheik Hamed el-Nil Tomb.

  • Pyramids of Meroe

    Not as famous as the pyramids of Egypt, but quite as symbolic especially to the people of Sudan. Built over 2500 years ago by the kings of the Meroitic Kingdom who rule the area for more than 900 years, they are found along the banks of the River Nile, the Pyramids of Meroe are regarded as the Nubian pyramids - they have narrow bases and steep angles.

  • Sheik Hamad el-Nil Tomb

    You can't list the special places of Khartoum without mentioning the Sheik Hamad el-Nil tomb. Located at the western side of Omdurman, the tomb belongs to Islamic Leader Sheik Hamad el-Nil a 19th century Sufi leader as its name suggests, and was built in 1936. It is also a popular spot for a sacred ritual called dhikr, an event that happens every Friday evening - going with a local guide is the best way to get the most out of the ceremony.

  • Tuti Island

    A trip to Tuti island would convince you about the beauty of Sudan - the island is found where the White Nile and Blue Nile merge to form the main Nile and it is surrounded by three towns including Khartoum. It is mainly used for agriculture due to its fertile lands - it is where Khartoum gets most of its food supply from, visiting the Island previously required ferries but there is now a suspension bridge built and can be used instead by tourists and locals who seek to access the island.

  • Nuba Wrestling

    A major part of the Sudanese Culture is wresting and the region of Nuba is known to have pioneered this tradition – hence the name Nuba Wrestling. If you want to get a glimpse of the Nuba Wrestlers, you can go to the Khartoum wrestling area on Fridays - but you would have to pay for the main tournament which attracts thousands of spectators.

  • National Museum

    The magnificent national museum is a must-visit - established in 1971, it contains some of the most amazing findings in conjecture with Sudanese history and culture. Located on the El Neel Avenue, it features exhibitions from prehistoric era to modern times – which are divided into four major areas. Some of his major attractions include The Taharqo statue, war paintings from the Christian Faras Cathedral and artifacts from the Napata and Meroe periods.

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Sudan tours featuring Khartoum